The history of the FNILMAC
The First Nations and Inuit Labour Market Advisory Committee (FNILMAC) was created in February 2010. Since then, it has been the only body to bring together all 11 Nations players with an influence on the development of the Aboriginal workforce in Quebec.
In September 2009, the Cree Regional Authority (CRA), the First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec (FNHRDCQ), the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) and the Algonquin Nation Sustainable Human Resources Development Corporation jointly applied to the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail (CPMT) for the creation of the FNILMAC.

Following the CPMT’s endorsement of this application on February 10, 2010, the four jurisdictional groups involved in the First Nations and Inuit labour market who had filed the application became permanent members of the Committee.
Together, they select and invite various aboriginal and non-aboriginal organizations, employer and/or FNILMAC has averaged 15 representative members.
Committee meetings
and actions
The members of the FNILMAC meet at least 4 times a year, to discuss action plans and opinions, proposals to be made, research and actions promoting socio-professional integration with labor market partners.
Thanks to its composition and in-depth knowledge of the needs and constraints encountered by First Nations and Inuit (FNI) on the job market, the Committee has a global and shared vision of the employability issues facing Aboriginal people. The committee also establishes partnerships with the various service points that accompany Aboriginals on their path to the job market and job retention, as well as with government bodies concerned with this under-represented workforce and specialized employability organizations.
The expertise of the various members of the Committee enables a realistic and comprehensive understanding of the situation, as well as the sharing of an evidence-based data pool that supports the formulation of fair and up-to-date opinions and proposals on the situation of aboriginal employability in Quebec.
Together, all members contribute to the realization of the Committee’s Action Plan.
The History of the Ministerial Strategy for the Professional Integration of First Nations and Inuit Peoples in Quebec
The history of the Ministerial Strategy for the Professional Integration of First Nations and Inuit Peoples in Quebec has its roots in a relevance notice for the development of a ministerial strategy for social and professional integration of FNIs, submitted to the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail (CPMT) by the FNILMAC in July 2013.

Pememnuwaunimau | Artiste Dominique Normand
Based on a report titled “Portrait of First Nations and Inuit Peoples in Quebec,” which highlighted the challenges these communities faced in the labor market, the relevance notice included several recommendations aimed at addressing the complex employment situation of FNIs. The creation of a ministerial strategy to facilitate the professional integration of First Nations and Inuit Peoples was one of these recommendations.
In March 2015, the ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Solidarity (MTESS), in collaboration with the First Nations and Inuit Labour Market Advisory Committee Issues and several partners, established a strategy based on three main axes, each aimed at promoting employment, integration, and empowerment of these communities in the labor market.
Increasing the participation of members of First Nations and Inuit Peoples in the labor market by facilitating their access to public employment services
This axis focuses on improving the access of members of First Nations and Inuit Peoples to public employment services. It encourages a common understanding of ministerial guidelines and aims to develop service agreements to prepare and support these communities in their employment journey. Promoting labor market information and enhancing workforce skills are also central to this axis, with a particular focus on youth.
Recognizing the contribution of First Nations and Inuit Peoples’ labor to the labor market
This second axis emphasizes information, awareness, and support for businesses to promote the hiring of First Nations and Inuit workers. It encourages interventions through Emploi-Québec measures and the Skills Development and Recognition Fund programs, with a focus on on-the-job training. Additionally, it highlights proactive placement assistance in targeted companies to ensure sustainable employment integration.
Regional and local collaboration and partnerships to ensure coherent and impactful interventions and to encourage diverse and strong partnerships for success.
This final axis aims to strengthen collaboration among various regional and local partners for coherent and effective interventions. It emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the profile of the First Nations and Inuit labor force through studies and research. It also encourages intensified, structured, and coordinated interventions in collaboration with other entities and the ongoing promotion of successful practices tailored to regional specifics.
The Professional Integration Strategy for FNIs has been implemented through a five-year national ministerial action plan, which leads to central and regional actions.
We invite you to read the Ministerial Strategy for the Professional Integration of First Nations and Inuit Peoples in Quebec to learn more about the details of this strategy and its full implications.